Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Please note that I will be teaching a one-day course at UCLA extension on February 23, 2013 titled:
"THE BUSINESS OF YOUR WRITING CAREER".  Please take a peak at the class information via:
www.uclaextenstion.edu.  It's going to be chock full of insider info on getting in and staying in the world of film as well as how to write the important knockout half-page treatment.  Join me....it will be lots of fun.  I love telling stories of my years as a literary agent. http:/wwwuclaextension.edu

Also, take a look at my new monthly column for SCRIPT MAGAZINE at:  www.scriptmag.com.
This month's column is titled:  "STUDIOS vs. INDEPENDENTS". http:/scriptmag.com

Don't forget that my book:  "MIND YOUR BUSINESS:  A Hollywood Literary Agent's Guide to Your Writing Career" is now available on Kindle as well as paperback at:  http:/www.Amazon.com.

Have a great, prosperous and positive NEW YEAR!!!