Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Oh my goodness, another holiday season and another year is looming ahead.  Naturally we must take a good look back on 2015 and an even better look forward to 2016.

What did you accomplish in your writing life?  Have you completed any of those scripts that you started?  Did you take that writing class?  Did you attend any film festivals, writing pitch fests, special speakers programs? If you are interested in a writing career these things are crucial to success.  If not now, when?

Time is passing so quickly for all of us.  You have a dream and you want to follow it.  Then find the way.  Above all, you must keep writing.  If you live outside of Los Angeles it is very important to find a good, bona fide writing consultant to review and advise you on your screenwriting. 

I hope you will renew your decision to move forward and redouble your efforts.  Get up earlier in the morning to give yourself more time to write.  Hire a baby sitter and go to a library or a park to write.  The point is to find a way to accomplish your goals.

I wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season and a happy and healthy and productive New Year!!

Let me know how you are doing and send me any questions you may have.
